ZEVEDI @ Digital-Gipfel 2024

This year’s Digital Summit of the German government will take place on 21 and 22 October 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. The Centre Responsible Digitality will participate with activities in the framework of the federal program and the accompanying program of the partner state of Hesse.

Topic I: Digital Financial Markets and Democracy

21.-22.10.2024, Market of Digital Opportunities (Level 1, Kap Europa), Stand Number 8

The discourse project eFin & Democracy will have a stand with audiovisual media to inform about Democratic Issues in the Digital Financial Sector.

Panel ‘Digital Euro – What Can it Do, What Are Its Benefits?’

21.10.2024, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Workshop Room 1 (Level 1 in Kap Europa)

Digital payments are becoming more and more popular. With the digital euro, there will also be a digital version of cash in the future. The central banks of the Euro system are working intensively to prepare for its introduction, while the EU is working on a legal basis for the digital euro. The Governing Council will only be able to decide on the actual introduction of the digital euro once this legal framework has been adopted.

Dr Heike Winter, Deutsche Bundebank
Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl, Goethe University / ZEVEDI
Katharina Lawence, Consumer Advice Centre Hesse
Claus George, DZ Bank

Moderation: Claudia Bechstein, Business Psychologist

Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl, Goethe Universität / ZEVEDI

Topic II:
Data trustees

The DaTNet project promotes the networking and transfer of knowledge between existing data trustees and data trust initiatives as well as relevant experts within the framework of a competence network. The Competence Network will act as an information and knowledge-sharing hub, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience between data trustee projects and enabling participants to build a comprehensive knowledge base.

Panel ‘Data Trustees – New Intermediaries as Drivers of Innovation’

21.10.2024, 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. (national program, probably as above or via website)

Data trustees are ‘new intermediaries’ in the sense of the Data Governance Act. Their innovative function will be illustrated with several examples. The panel will bring together experts in data trustee models and a use case. We ask: What do data trustees do for the digital economy? Where is the added value in terms of data protection, data security and data sovereignty? – The nationwide competence network Datentreuhand DaTNet, coordinated in Hesse, will also be presented.

Dr. Alexander Alldridge, EuroDaT GmbH, Wiesbaden
Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring, TU Darmstadt / ZEVEDI
Nina Ihl, Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/M.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Omlor, University of Marburg

Moderation: Alexander Armbruster, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring, TU Darmstadt / ZEVEDI
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski, TU Darmstadt / ZEVEDI
Dr. Jörn Laakmann, ZEVEDI
World Café ‘Data Dreams: Between Networking and Interoperability’

22.10.2024, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m., Sirius Room

From the perspective of the Future Strategy for Research and Innovation and the ministries BMBF, BMWK, BMDV, we invite you to join us in a World Café to explore ideas for better networking of data spaces based on the following questions: What does the national data space landscape look like? How can it be connected across domains? How can trust be built across data spaces? What is the role of data spaces in the data economy? What lessons can be learned from existing data spaces?

ZEVEDI is represented at the following tables:

1: The Role of Trust, with: Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring and Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski, TU Darmstadt / ZEVEDI

2: Presentation of an Interactive ‘Map’ of Data Trustee and Data Room Projects, with: Dr. Alexander Heußner, BMBF and Dr. Jörn Laakmann, ZEVEDI

more on the project Democracy Issues of the Digitalized Financial Sector

more about the joint project DaTNet – development of a competence network for data trustee models

all ZEVEDI events