Centre Responsible Digitality (ZEVEDI)
investigates ethical and legal aspects of digital transformation,
transfers knowledge into the economic sector and
communicates with politics and society.

about us


The core of the centre’s activities are ZEVEDI project groups. These interdisciplinary, integrative, self-governing groups are open to scientists of related fields from all Hessian universities. ZEVEDI ad hoc projects provide the framework for short-term research activities as well as advisory services for business and politics. ZEVEDI positions itself on a national and international level as a strong research partner in externally funded projects. ZEVEDI is also an important initiator and partner in dialogue with politics, society and business: the network creates discourse spaces and communicates to a broad public.

more information on ZEVEDI’s approaches

ZEVEDI Project Groups

ZEVEDI Ad hoc Projects

  • Consulting Needs of Public Administration for Digitisation| go to project
  • Digital Education in Schools: Distribution process of research results in the form of digital teaching materials using the example of Hessian schools (DiBiS)| go to project
  • Doing DDI – The policy process for the establishment of the German Data Institute| go to project
  • Generative AI and creative authorship in knowledge work and literature | go to project
  • Money as Data | go to project

Externally Funded Projects

  • Joint project DaTNet – development of a competence network for data trustee models funded by BMBF and EU | go to project
  • Project Legal Forms for Data Trustees (ReFo_DaT) funded by BMBF and EU | go to project
  • Discourse project eFin & Democracy – Democracy issues of the digitalised financial sector with Stiftung Mercator | go to project


Erstellt mit Firefly. Eine Justitia mit verbundenen Augen. Vor sich links eine Zentral(Bank), rechts ein Geldstück

„Anonymität beim Geldausgeben und Transparenz bei Einkommen“: Das Taler-Bezahlsystem
Christian Grothoff, Professor of Computer Science at Bern University of Applied Sciences and co-founder and CEO of Taler Systems S. A. in an interview with Eneia Dragomir| 19.09.2024

to the article on the eFin-Blog

Completed Projects