Responsible algorithmic decision-making in the workplace

Algorithmic decision-making (or “ADM”) already has a significant impact on how our modern workplace is organized, whether it be through the selection of new hires, managing employees in their daily business, or assisting human decision-makers in the context of complex problems.

Despite having immense promise for businesses and governmental organizations, ADM also raises serious concerns as it often produces consequences that are detrimental to workers, resulting in unfair treatment, a loss of autonomy, exclusion, or even increasing precarity. Therefore, we seek to contribute to answering the following research question: How should work contexts shaped by ADM be designed to promote responsible treatment of workers? What technical, organizational and regulatory framework conditions should be established in such contexts?

Our exploration of responsible ADM in the workplace of the future focuses on three aspects:

  • Analysing how ADM affects work procedures and work contents as well as workers’ self-determination and quality of life
  • Investigating human-machine work configurations and the responsible design of these configurations for future workplaces
  • Assessing organizational, legal and regulatory framework conditions for the responsible design of the future workplace

Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Alexander Benlian, Technische Universität Darmstadt | spokesperson | more information»
Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner, Universität Kassel | deputy | more information»

Dr. Ul­rich Bret­schnei­der, Universität Kassel | more information»
Prof. Dr. Lucie Flek, Philipps-Universität Marburg | more information»
Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych, Technische Universität Darmstadt | more information»
Prof. Dr. Sandra Ohly, Universität Kassel | more information»
Prof. Dr. Lena Rudkowski, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen | more information»
Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M. | more information»
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schreiber, Technische Universität Darmstadt | more information»
Prof. Dr. Domenik H. Wendt, LL.M., Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences | more information»

Responsible algorithmic decision-making in the workplace

starting 30 October 2023

current programme

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series

Algorithmic decision-making (or “ADM”) already has a significant impact on how our modern workplace is organised, whether it be through the selection of new hires, managing employees in their daily business, or assisting human decision-makers in the context of complex problems.

Against this background, the project group Responsible Algorithmic Decision Making in the Workplace is organising a series of lectures that will look at these developments from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. Among other things, the following questions will be addressed: How should work contexts shaped by ADM be designed to promote responsible treatment of workers? What technical, organisational and regulatory framework conditions should be established in such contexts?

Winter Semester 2023/24»
Summer Semester 2023»
Winter Semester 2022/23»

Previous Events

KI in der Arbeitswelt: Wie können KI und generative KI im Unternehmensalltag unterstützen?

Interdisciplincary Workshop, 26 March 2024 | more on this event»

ChatGPT and Beyond:
Auswirkungen generativer KI auf Arbeit und Beschäftigung

Interdisciplinary Conference, 8 December 2023 | more about this event»

Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine verantwortungsbewusste algorithmische Entscheidungsfindung in der Arbeitswelt

Interdisciplincary Workshop, 27 March 2023 | more on this event»

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