The digital transformation of the financial sector is in full swing. Yet, do we actually know enough about crypto and co? About network-based payment systems? Or about the digital Euro which is likely to be introduced within a few years from now? As of now, the disruption or change which the digital transformation of the financial sector might involve for citizens, democracy and the future of European society are largely unknown. Specialists are familiar with them, but often within their fields of expertise alone. And what about broader debates and participation?
Civil society participation and broader public discussion require understanding and interdisciplinary exchange. Hence, in order to start a broader discourse on the topic and for highlighting its most relevant aspects, more stimuli and input are necessary. As a discourse project,eFin & Democracy addresses these issues as a strong initiative going beyond science. Its aim is to bring broader target groups and thus citizens as well as companies and politics into conversation with each other. Via events and different media formats, it gradually integrates actors and target groups into the project.
An Audio Collage on the Discourse Project (in German)
The project is home to the Mercator-Journalist in Residence-Programme. Within the field of digitalised finance and beyond, the Mercator-Journalists in Residence act as important instigators for a broader discussion. They help to raise awareness of a topic that has been underrepresented in public perception to date and to connect the media and academic public.
eFin & Democracy is also associated with an Endowed Professorship at the Technische Universität Darmstadt for Legal Policy for the Digital Financial Sector which is establishing this field of research and making it attractive in the long term. It has also initiated an interdisciplinary panel of experts. Under the title Money : Technology : Democracy, their meetings offer an independent place to reflect on issues regarding the sociopolitical aspects of digital change in the financial sector. The project is funded by Stiftung Mercator.
Season 1 Trailer
Season 1 of the Digitalgelddickicht approaches the topic of the Digital Euro from as many angles as possible. It tries to understand and explain. With the help of interviewees from academia, representatives of commercial banks and the ECB, civil society and the EU Parliament, it sheds light on as many aspects as possible and adopts different perspectives in a total of 10 episodes.
A chance for all those who are interested in digital finance and who want to take a closer look at the opportunities and problems of a digital euro, the criticism it receives and the hopes that are held for a future central bank digital currency (CBDC).
Article Series on the Digital Euro by Mercator-Journalist in Residence Max Henning
Maximilian Henning is a freelance EU correspondent on digital policy. At eFin & Democracy, he has been researching the digital euro. As the project so far is still largely flying under the radar, a closer look at which party or institution pursues which interests is warranted. The following articles were published on in July.
■ Wer alles weiß, wenn du online bezahlst,, 2 July 2024 (German only)
■ Digitaler Euro: Was soll mir das bringen? ,, 3 July 2024. (German only)
■ EU Council discusses Digital Euro – And how much privacy should it be?,, 4 July 2024.
■ Standstill in EU Parliament – How Conservatives are stalling the Digital Euro,, 17 July 2024.
■ Online sicher zahlen mit dem Digitalen Euro? (German only), Youtube-Recording, TINCON @Reeperbahnfestival, Hamburg, 19. September 2024.
The Podcast Digitalgelddickicht
The Podcast Digitalgelddickicht explores what is otherwise only discussed among experts. The podcast doesn’t have all the answers – and certainly no financial tips. Instead, it aims to pose questions and stimulate public conversation about how the digital transformation of the financial sector affects our political and social world. To this end, it collects different voices, including but not limited to those of experts. The Podcast is in German.
eFin & Democracy on Social Media
Current news from the project and links to interesting and further content about our key topics can also be found on X (formerly Twitter) under @eFin_Diskurs and on Mastodon under (mostly in German).
The eFin-Blog
The Blog tries to understand the transformation and to promote debate – also as part of our democracy. Project staff and guests write freely and in a diverse fashion about what they are learning and exploring, what worries them and what fascinates them. The Blog is written in German.
The Citizen Lectures
In the Citizen Lectures scientists and experts are asked to provide insights into their specialist field, impart basic knowledge and make suggestions for a broader discussion.
Dialogue formats aim to involve citizens and stakeholders more directly. At the Market for Useful and Non-Knowledge they entered into a direct exchange with experts. eFin & Democracy was present at the Digital Summit 2024. The Bürgergutachten digitaler Euro (German only) invited laypeople to articulate which aspects of the CBDC’ design the public should be informed about.
Film: Follow the [New] Money – On the Trail of Cyrpto, Cards, Coins and Cash
A Market for Useful Knowledge and Non-Knowledge under the title Follow the Money – Of Analogue Values, Digital Currencies and the Quantification of the World was staged in Frankfurt/Main on 16 September 2023. In 1:1 conversations with visitors – and audible via event radio – around 90 experts followed the traces of money on a large scale, on a small scale and in their own lives. The film zooms in into 8 of these conversations, all revolving around digital payment.
Digitalization and Finance: Video Portraits
As part of his residency at ZEVEDI and eFin & Democracy, videographer and artist Rainer Lind has brought a wide variety of people in front of his camera. He has created the kind of video portraits he is known for but with a specific focus: his interviewees’ life, hobby or profession has brought them in direct contact with the potentials and risks, hopes and abysses associated with an increasingly digitalized financial world: from crypto-enthusiast to Frankfurt’s senior public prosecutor Jana Ringwald (photo). The interviews are in German.
Podcast Episodes of Finance & Feelings
During her residency with us, finance journalist and podcaster Anissa Brinkhoff has investigated questions of gender equality and aspects of female finance in the analog and digital financial system. On her profile you can find all previous episodes of her podcast Finance & Feelings.
You finde the residency-related episode with Carola Westermeier here.
You find the episode with Mareice Kaiser here. The episodes are in German.
INTERVIEW: “Digital Money – Indifference is of no avail to us”
An AufRuhr Interview about the Project eFin & Democracy and the “BitBlockKryptoComic” with the Mercator-Journalist in Residence an graphic novelist Martin Karcher and team member Caroline Marburger. The interview is in German.
Previous events
Lecture Wünsche und Vorstellungen der Verbraucher: Das Bürgergutachten digitaler Euro
06 November 2024
Lecture at the Hessian Consumer Day from Prof. Dr. Petra Gehring | more about this event
eFin and Democracy at the Digital Summit 2024
21 and 22 October 2024
In the context of the programme of the partner state Hesse | more about this event
Lecture Series Finance, State, Digitization & Democracy
22 April – 15 July 2024
An event in cooperation with the Faculty 01 (Law and Economics) | more about this event
Lecture Bitcoin, Ether and co. – The Potential and Dangers of Cryptocurrencies
13 March 2024
An event in cooperation with the Frankfurter PresseClub | more about this event
Performance Follow the Money – Of Analogue Values, Digital Currencies and the Quantification of the World
16 September 2023
Cooperation of ZEVEDI and the project group eFin & Democracy with the Mobile Academy Berlin and the cultural venue Mousonturm (Frankfurt) | more about this event
Lightning Talk at the re:publica 23 Do we need the digital Euro or (how) does money work democratically?
5 June 2023
Carola Westermeier at the re:publica 23 within the framework of the discourse project eFin & Democracy | more about this event
Film Screening & Panel Discussion „Modern Talking” – Contemporary History and Video Portraits on the Digitalized Finance Sector
16 May 2023
An Event with Mercator-Journalist in Residence Rainer Lind. In Cooperation with the Historischen Verein für Hessen e.V. | more about this event
Short Exhibition The BitBlockCryptoComic – The Making of a Graphic Novel
16 December 2022
Event in cooperation with Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt; with Mercator-Journalist in Residence Martin Karcher| more about this event
Public Lecture & Discussion Bitcoin – Gefahr oder Bereicherung für unsere Gesellschaft?
9 August 2022
Event in cooperation with Kultur einer Digitalstadt e. V. (KeD); with Mercator-Journalist in Residence Friedemann Brenneis | more about this event
Public Lecture & Discussion Warum Bitcoin?
26 July 2022
Event with Mercator-Journalist in Residence Friedemann Brenneis | more about this event
Panel Discussion Digitaler Euro: Pro und Contra
18 July 2022
Event within the framework of eFin & Democracy | more about this event
Citizen Lecture Verstehen Sie Krypto !
Summer Semester 2022
Event within the framework of eFin & Democracy | more about this Citizen Lecture