Digital Governance. Responsibility and Trust in Digital Structures (DigiGov)
project group

Tokenizing Sustainability – Carbon Credits, Accountability, and ESG in Supply Chains (TOSCA)
project group

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TOKENIZATION – Practical Knowledge for SMEs and Startups (KrypToFi)
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

more about the project
DaTNet – Development of a competence network for data trustee models
funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the European Union

more about the project
Legal Forms for Data Trustees (ReFo_DaT)
funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the European Union

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EuroDaT – Gaia-X based Data Trustee
funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

more about the project
eFin & Democracy – Democracy issues of the digitalised financial sector
funded by the Mercator Foundation

ad hoc project
Generative AI and creative authorship in knowledge work and literature
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Doing DDI – The policy process for the establishment of the German Data Institute
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Digital Education in Schools: Distribution process of research results in the form of digital teaching materials using the example of Hessian schools (DiBiS)
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Consulting needs of public administration for digitisation
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Discourses of disruptive digital technologies using the example of AI text generators
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Tokenized Finance from a Comparative Law Perspective – Europe and beyong
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Regulatory Status of the Application of AI Products in Medicine
ad hoc project

ad hoc project
Changing costs to the DSGVO-compliant VC system of the Schulportal Hessen
ad hoc project