Mercator Journalist in Residence

Martin Karcher: The BitBlockCryptoComic. The Making of a Graphic Novel

Short exhibition

16 December 2022, 4 pm
TU Darmstadt | Old Main Buildung | Foyer of the Wilhelm-Köhler-Saal | Room 284

A Short Exhibition in Cooperation with the Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt

Martin Karcher is a freelance illustrator, graphic designer and comic artist and currently the Mercator-Journalist in Residence in the project Democracy Issues of the Digitalised Financial Sector (eFin & Democracy).  On Friday, December 16, he will show first results of his residency, his work on a short graphic novel titled “BitBlockKryptoComic”.

The graphic novel for teenagers and young adults addresses utopias and dystopias associated with digital payments. Four young adults with fundamentally different attitudes raise questions like these: Do cryptocurrencies allow us to invest our money independently of the power of states and banks? Can the technologies we need for digital payments be sustainable, or will they accelerate climate change? To what extent do we need or should we even be concerned with digital currencies?

An interview with Martin Karcher by Rainer Lind», artist and lecturer at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and his filming of the conversation between Martin Karcher and senior students at the Bertolt-Brecht-Schule in Darmstadt provides further insight into Karcher’s work and the development of the BitBlockKryptoComic.

As part of the cooperation with the Art Forum of the TU Darmstadt, visitors are kindly invited to join the forum’s director Julia Reichelt for a short guided tour of the current exhibition „Cristof Yvoré. STILL LIFE»“.

Martin Karcher
With a dual degree in communication design from both the FH Konstanz and the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, he has worked as an intern and freelancer at agencies in Vienna, Munich and Berlin. He has shown his work in exhibitions throughout Germany and Denmark. Martin Karcher» lives and works in Leipzig

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