
Responsible algorithmic decision-making in the workplace

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series

Continuously, beginning on Monday, 24 April 2023, 16:00 (CEST)

Online via Zoom (Zoom links see programme)

Algorithmic decision-making (or “ADM”) already has a significant impact on how our modern workplace is organised, whether it be through the selection of new hires, managing employees in their daily business, or assisting human decision-makers in the context of complex problems.

Against this background, the project group Responsible Algorithmic Decision Making in the Workplace continues its series of lectures that will look at these developments from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. Among other things, the following questions will be addressed: How should work contexts shaped by ADM be designed to promote responsible treatment of workers? What technical, organisational and regulatory framework conditions should be established in such contexts?


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