
Call for Papers: KI – Text und Geltung. Wie verändern KI-Textgeneratoren wissenschaftliche Diskurse?

Call for Papers

Interdisciplinary Conference organized by the Ad hoc-project Discourses of disruptive digital technologies using the example of AI text generators (KI:Text)
25 – 26 August 2023, Technische Universität Darmstadt

The statement that AI can generate texts tells us something about the understanding of texts. But what does it mean for the understanding of texts if one attributes the generation of texts to an AI? What is the difference between man-made and computer-generated texts and which claims to validity can be raised or disputed in each case? What do the individual sciences expect, fear and hope for when texts are received in their discourses that were created with AI-supported tools? And what consequences does this have for the criteria of scientific validity and authorship?

These and similar questions illustrate not only the great disruptive potential of digital technologies, but also the enormous challenge that the use of AI text generators such as ChatGPT, Mindverse or Jasper poses for future work with and on texts in general. The questions addressed in this context in different disciplines are correspondingly diverse and their discourses will be made the subject of this interdisciplinary conference.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 June 2023

Abstracts and papers may be submitted in German or in English.

For details and modalities see Call for Papers»

Call for Papers

to Ad hoc project Discourses of disruptive digital technologies using the example of AI text generators (KI:Text)

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