
Data surgery? Intelligent technology in the operating theatre

feat. Stefanie Speidel, National Center for Tumor Deseases in Dresden | 20 Juli 2021

In recent years, rapid advances in computer science and AI research have brought an overwhelming variety of technological innovations into the view of policymakers and the public. While promising great benefits and new possibilities, their potential also raises pressing questions – the prediction that AI will change the world is ambivalent. In order to understand how this change is taking place, we need to look into details: What kind of intelligent systems are we talking about in each case? What aims are they developed for, how will they be used, and what role will humans play in those scenari-os? Answers to these questions arise at the interfaces between computer science and our reality of life and are therefore as specific as the resulting AI systems themselves.

One of these interfaces is the field of translational surgical oncology, i.e. the development of AI systems in surgical cancer therapy. Computer scientist Prof. Dr. Stefanie Speidel teaches and researches at the National Center for Tumor Diseases in Dresden and develops intelligent systems for the operating theatre as well as surgical training. In the fifth episode of Digitalgespräch, she explains the tools she and her colleagues are developing, how she is collaborating with scientists and practitioners of other disciplines, as well as patients and industry partners, and clarifies the question of whether human experts or artificial neural networks will make the vital decisions during operations in the future. With ZEVEDI hosts Marlene Görger and Petra Gehring she discusses how physicians and patients can benefit from AI systems, what obstacles have to be overcome during the long development process ahead – but also what active role patients will play in this.

Episode 5 of Digitalgespräch feat. Stefanie Speidel, National Center for Tumor Deseases in Dresden, 20 Juli 2021

Further informationen:
Link to the website of the Department of Translational Surgical Oncology at the NCT/UCC Dresden:

all episodes of Digitalgespräch

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The podcast is in German. At the moment there is no English version or transcript available.