
Maximilian Henning

Mercator-Journalist in Residence, June / July 2024

Maximilian Henning is a freelance EU correspondent on digital policy.

He writes for German and European media on digital regulation, infrastructure and surveillance. He regularly reports for and Tagesspiegel Background. He has lived in Brussels since 2023 and observes developments in the European Union up close, whether in the Parliament, the Council or the Commission.


At ZEVEDI, Maximilian focuses on the digital euro. In a series of articles, he wants to analyse who wants what from this major project. What is the EU planning, what is the ECB planning? What demands are banks or payment service providers putting forward, what are the positions of the various EU member states on the digital euro? Just as the project itself has largely flown under the radar so far, little is known about the actual interests different players have.

Further information on the programme and application procedure can be found on the German language website».